
Q: Are the Caregivers on 247.Care employed by 247.Care, Inc.?
A: No, all Caregivers on the Marketplace are employed by a local Agency
Q: Are the Caregivers licensed, bonded and insured?
A: Yes, all Caregivers are bonded, insured and licensed where State Law requires through their employer.
Q: How do I know the prices are reasonable for my City?
A: All Agencies listing available Caregivers on the Marketplace set their own pricing, as it is transparent, we assume the prices you see are well within the local range. If you are flexible with you price you might find a lower Rate depending on demand.
Q: Are there minimum hours per Shift?
A: Very likely yes, all Agencies listing available Caregivers on the Marketplace set their own minimum hours, it might vary between Caregivers in case they have different Employers.